I cannot remember what my cookie said to me yesterday or the day before. But I remember that they weren't very rosy. Just like this one.
The trend has set in. I am getting grim, bleak and/or confusing fortunes.
I believed that I was done 'putting up with the rain'. That's what my last 8-10 years were all about. Please don't make me live under the weather any more. A fulfilling career in a neighborhood I can call home, with happy kids and a husband. I have the latter two. But the former two are very important, too. And I know my kids can be happy where I know I can be happy. It's always the husband (and his mom) who casts dark shadow over a woman's career path......
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Get ready! Good fortune comes in bunches.
If I interpret this as my expecting, needy, predispositioned mind directs, I will receive two job offers and Bertrand one TODAY. OK, may be not today, and maybe not all of them on a single day.
Now that I am on my toes, waiting for an answer (answers) from the prospective employers, I have started searching for opportunities for my significant other half. I have come to a realization, yet once again, that he is not going to look for one himself, before declaring defeat. "Oh, there's nothing out there for me". I can see it coming.
So he applied for one job and he is waiting for an offer.
That's good. That's definitely, infinitely more than what he did 5 years ago.
Then after that one interview, he stopped looking. As if that was more than enough effort to please his wife. And that's exactly it. He just wanted to make me happy, showing that he cared. Showing a nice gesture... pretending that he had a real intention to move. I see it better now that he didn't. He is now gathering once again all reasons not to move. Same o' same o'. I won't live through another let down, honey. Unless the letting-down comes from my side.
I will ask one more time and come, follow me. It is not THE job I was promised 4 years ago. Far less glorious. But I had let go of the chance of my life as a researcher in an academic world. If he is imposing the same condition as he did 4 years ago, I cannot deliver.... largely because of him.
So here is the next best and that's excellent for me. Your call. Not fair? it has not been fair for me for the last 10 years, so please don't cry fairness for yourself now.
Now that I am on my toes, waiting for an answer (answers) from the prospective employers, I have started searching for opportunities for my significant other half. I have come to a realization, yet once again, that he is not going to look for one himself, before declaring defeat. "Oh, there's nothing out there for me". I can see it coming.
So he applied for one job and he is waiting for an offer.
That's good. That's definitely, infinitely more than what he did 5 years ago.
Then after that one interview, he stopped looking. As if that was more than enough effort to please his wife. And that's exactly it. He just wanted to make me happy, showing that he cared. Showing a nice gesture... pretending that he had a real intention to move. I see it better now that he didn't. He is now gathering once again all reasons not to move. Same o' same o'. I won't live through another let down, honey. Unless the letting-down comes from my side.
I will ask one more time and come, follow me. It is not THE job I was promised 4 years ago. Far less glorious. But I had let go of the chance of my life as a researcher in an academic world. If he is imposing the same condition as he did 4 years ago, I cannot deliver.... largely because of him.
So here is the next best and that's excellent for me. Your call. Not fair? it has not been fair for me for the last 10 years, so please don't cry fairness for yourself now.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Keep your plans secret for now
Yes. That sounds logical. But from who? should I keep it away from my family, too?
Obviously, I am going to be bragging about it as soon as I discover what this 'secret' is all about. so there's no secret here. Well, nobody reads my blog except myself anyway, right. I suppose my secret is safe. I hope my plan will be the consequence of an email message that I will receive by the end of the day.
Obviously, I am going to be bragging about it as soon as I discover what this 'secret' is all about. so there's no secret here. Well, nobody reads my blog except myself anyway, right. I suppose my secret is safe. I hope my plan will be the consequence of an email message that I will receive by the end of the day.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
skill comes from diligence
speak truth, my friend.
I cannot just give up and saying that 'I am no good'. This is what we tell our kids everyday, too. How come nobody bothers to tell you these obvious truth once you are grown up?
By the way, I did get an email message just now, before the end of the day, that partially solved my problem. This was a good news. Small, but good nonetheless. I can sleep easy tonight.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Your past success will be overshadowed by your future success.
This is only getting better.
All cookies point to a one huge (relatively speaking) success in my future.
I cannot think of my 'past success,' but whatever it is referring to, it is nothing compared to what I am about to achieve. OK... perhaps it is not going to happen soon. Maybe it is going to come around in a few year, maybe decades.
It is annoying; however, I only get positive cookies when it comes to predicting my future. How come I don't receive negative, or boring ones? "Win some, lose some" "Your endurance will be tested" "A big loss may cripple your thoughts" etc? We all know the answer to that question. Because people will stop using this fortune cookie application if they don't get up-beat, bright and cheerful proverbs and predictions. Of course, of course. If I get one that says "someone close to you will die," I will definitely write it off and will not return to such a silly site. So they only give happy future, and some meaningful proverbs here and there.
I don't even know why I keep on reading these messages in virtual cookies. I need help?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Decide what you want and go for it
That's what I am saying!
2 goals: Relocation (back to the US) and a new career path (editor/writer/comm in Physics).
But for now, it is not up to me. I hope I will have my "Good News" soon.
Have I done enough? I don't know. I can always do more an I can always do too much or too little. I'll never know.
I am feeling better today.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Every Friend Joys in your Success
As I await for my future to prevail itself.... to some degree, this is a good one.
I have sent out three applications. Had one interview in a rush. Now I have to wait and see if I will be offered a job and a career path. My hubby also had an interview which he thought had gone well and we are on our toes on their response/decision, too.
It has been full 4 years plus a few months since I had been in this situation. Less desperate this time, perhaps, as I have a job that I probably will not lose if this mid-life career transition attempt does not produce a concrete and desired result. I am faced with an entirely different kind of problem, though. In the event that I do receive an offer (a big IF), how do I go about announcing my departure to the current employer and colleagues. Where I work, people do not leave their jobs easily. In fact, hardly ever! Every permanent staff around has been hired at an age appropriate for his/her career track (technicians were hired when they were 21-23, engineers at 23-26, and researchers at 27-35 years old) and .... well, never left. Most people in my work place have held only one permanent job. I doubt that my decision be incomprehensible to them, but it will come as a surprise, a shock and a burden. As nobody has ever doubted the presence of others around him/her, subconsciously or consciously, we all count on each other's presence a lot. And the hiring process of a new staff member is excruciatingly long and laborious. I have been (and still am, of course) afraid of making many people unhappy and being criticized for betraying their trust.
I thought of transferring the responsibility to someone else... my husband and say that "well he wants to move, so I follow," or flat out lie and say "my family wishes to have me back in the US." But THAT would not be very dignified. Not so long ago, I was advised to meet conflict with dignity. As stupid as it may sound (not the dignity part, but what I am about to write), I take these words to heart. That said, thought of facing and announcing my decision to quit frightens me. So this cookie is an up-lifting one. It maybe saying, and may not be saying, that I will be successful (in getting an offer or two) and people around me will be happy for me. Of course, it maybe saying, and may not be saying that the world around will be brutal toward my success and only my true friends will joy. A warning that this will be a rough ride, but focus on what people who matters to me think and learn to grow thick skin against those who will be disadvantaged from my success. Whatever the correct interpretation (and there probably is no such thing), a success is mine. And since I am so focused lately on a new career opportunity, I just decide that success means a 'job offer'. Let me leave it at that. Got problem with that? I didn't think so.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Fame, riches and romance are yours for the asking
And all I ask for is a brand new job in a grand new field and in a brand new place with a sufficiently high pay and a good health coverage so I can pay the bills and send kids to decent college without worrying about going negative on my bank account.
If I give up fame, riches and romance, can I get what I wish for?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Be happy, it's one way of being wise.
I disagree.
Being exaggeratedly sad is, indeed, one way of being stupid.... if being happy is the goal in life.
But replacing "sad" with "happy" is not going to do the trick. "Sad" and "Happy" are not necessarily opposites. Be Happy? Being Wise?
It should read "Be wise, it maybe the only way to become and remain happy". Ummm, no. That sounds too threatening.
Whatever. This is so far the most useless cookie I've got this year.
It's 11:30pm. I still have tons of writing to do.
Monday, October 12, 2009
If your strength is small, don't carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don't give advice
I just accepted a task to write a chapter in a book on a subject that I don't really master. I wish I had opened this cookie before I said yes. Now I have a bad, bad, baaaaaaaD feeling about this.
I just accepted a task to write a chapter in a book on a subject that I don't really master. I wish I had opened this cookie before I said yes. Now I have a bad, bad, baaaaaaaD feeling about this.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Don't forget, you are always on our minds.
Whose mind? The first set of people I can think of is comprised of my immediate family members. My DH, DD^2. Then my parents.
Scary thing is, I seriously doubt that I am "always" on other people's mind. Certainly, that cannot be true. If I get in an accident, or die, I perhaps pop-up on my friends' and some of my colleagues' mind frequently for a limited period of time. But always? And interpreted more figuratively, very often, or everyday?? There cannot be too many people out there who gives two shingles about me. I believe this because honestly speaking there are only 3 people who are always on my mind and at all times. Then there are one or two more at less frequency.
But the dear cookie is not talking about who and how many people are on my mind. The main message is the first part of the sentence "Don't forget". I will never forget those who are always on my mind. But I suppose I could forget that I am on their mind, too. What do these three most important people want from me? Easy, I can just reverse question. What do I want and hope them to be?
I want my kids to be self-confident, feel accomplished and accomplish, perform well at school, have friends, be kind to those around them.... have happy, loving lives. I wish my DH be more relaxed, less anxious, better rested, laugh more, be adventurous and exciting and of course, be happy with me and our kids. Expressed in such generalized terms, I want nothing extraordinary. Be happy, I'll be there for you and be there for me, basically. These must be what they wish for me. They don't want me to be a supermom or a superwife. Just happy and be there with them. All else is my selfish ambition and ego. Am I delivering? Hell no, far from it.
I am not self-confident. I think I am a very mediocre researcher. I feel lost at work and this sense of loss is holding me back from thinking clearly and getting my job done.
I do not feel accomplished and accomplishing less because of ... see immediately above. That's why I am looking for a new job. I am not performing well at work. I am quite judgmental, stressed, anxiety attacks me every night so I don't sleep well and thus perpetually tired, low sex-drive and dissatisfied with our lives. Wow, I am not at all what they want me to be.
Why is that so? And what am I to do to be what they wish for me to be?
I think I know the answer, but too complicated to put'em in words at 8am. After taking the shower and finishing other chores, perhaps.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
You love Chinese food;
OK. It's settled for lunch tomorrow.
Was gonna go to China town anyway.... but how? how on earth could it/they/she/he know that?
Face Facts with Dignity
Which one?
There are a multiple number of facts that I avoid facing all together these days.
The fact that I am here right now is because I am sneaking up on facts from behind.
The fact that I am writing this blog is because I am ignoring the facts.. and my facts are my responsibilities.
Kids, work, family, my identity.
Agreed. I need to act with more dignity. Be a responsible adult and get things done.
But in what order?
I am lost. Overwhelmed. My brain does not function. Every task seems too complicated or intellectually beyond me since last year. I can feel walls closing in... pushing against all sides of my brain. My brain needs to breath. It needs more oxygen. I cannot think.
If I weren't so helplessly lost, I would be facing facts and taking care of them (dignified or not). I wouldn't be reading fortune cookies to enlighten me, channeling air into my poor brain. This is not enough. My brain needs to breath. My brain is in a box that's too small. Need to find a bigger box, or throw away what's not been used any longer. Make some space for new elements to enter. But how? Meditate? Yoga? Why not??
Monday, October 5, 2009
« Each moment of a happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life »
People around me and myself keep telling me that I am going to meet someone. And this someone will change my and my family's lives.
I probably shouldn't disclose a dream confession of someone else. So let's stay vague.
According to 'someone', I will leave my family for another man, younger and arrogant American Asian man. A few hours later this someone had his/her dream, across the Atlantic ocean, I had a dream that I was about to meet an American Asian (man) in a bar or a restaurant or some other public place, presumably in New York, because that's where I am right now. A day later, my fortune cookie says « Each moment of a happy lover's hour is worth an age of dull and common life ».
Problem?? yes there is. I don't want to meet someone. I am quite happy with my husband. Sometimes I think I may still be in love with this guy, my husband.
Still.... curious to meet someone. Hey I will be gone from this country in less than a week anyway. I can just look at the person who could change my life but he won't. Can fortune cookie live up to its prediction?
Friday, October 2, 2009
May life throw you a pleasant curve
I ... think .... I used up my pleasant surprise(s) today.
A friendly immigrations officer and two helpful rental car agents.
Pleasant servers and polite drivers.
I breath better when I am back here in the tri-state area.
Now I am still owed a lost object turning up, though.
There's something I need to find = my SS card.
I want this pleasant curve to be a job offer in the Bay Area that we (I) covet so badly.
jet lagged .... and must sleep.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A pleasant surprise is in store for you
It's only getting better. It's my birthday this Satrurday.
Nobody in my family has mentioned it approaching.
This week, I've only got 'positive' sounding cookies.
They should give out negative ones once in a while if they want people to continue using their application. It's losing my faith very quickly now.
Nobody in my family has mentioned it approaching.
This week, I've only got 'positive' sounding cookies.
They should give out negative ones once in a while if they want people to continue using their application. It's losing my faith very quickly now.
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